Upcoming seminarS and events
MICHAELMAS term 2024
Three Book Launches and a Seminar
Convened by Karin Eli and Stanley Ulijaszek
Thursdays 4-5pm, UK time
On Zoom
All welcome
Meeting ID: 896 0412 0043
Passcode: 544337
October 17
Stuart Flint, University of Leeds
Weight stigma: Implications for policy and practice
October 24
Nilda Cosco, North Carolina State University
Preventing obesity by Design (POD): An environment-behaviour health strategy for young children in child care
October 31
Dan-Olof Rooth, Stockholm University
Long-term effects of childhood nutrition: Evidence from a school lunch reform in Sweden
​November 7 No seminar
November 14 No seminar
November 21
Natasha Schvey, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda MD
Weight stigma, disordered eating, and body weight in the U.S. Military
November 28
Caz Hales, Victoria University of Wellington
Creating accessible care environments: Navigating the complexities of care for patients living with obesity in healthcare settings.
December 5
Martin White, University of Cambridge
Why are food systems failing and what can we do about it?’