Seminar Archive
Selected papers, presentations and audio recordings of previous seminars are available below. Where possible (and with permission from the authors), recordings of most UBVO seminars are available for free download from The University of Oxford’s podcast platform and Spotify.
Images of some of the seminar speakers are given here
30/5/24 Katia LURBE i PUERTO, Sciences Po, Paris
The stakes around bariatric surgery in France: a critical sociology of the medical community and of public policies
23/5/24 Michelle PENTECOST, King's College London
The Politics of Potential
16/5/24 Dana SIMMONS, University of California, Riverside
Ozempic and the Escape from Hunger
9/5/24 Stanley ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Understanding Obesity
5/3/24 Paulina NOWICKA, Uppsala University
Ecological systems theory and childhood obesity
27/2/24 Stanley ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Ecological models of obesity
20/2/24 Rebecca LESTER, Washington University in St Louis
A critical medical anthropological approach to eating disorders treatment in the United States
6/2/24 Patricia TOWNSEND, State University of New York at Buffalo
Medical anthropology in ecological perspective
30/1/24 Alex NADING, Cornell University
Chronic kidney disease from ecological perspectives
23/1/24 Janet TREASURE, King's College London
What are eating disorders? The cognitive interpersonal model revisited
16/1/24 Anna LAVIS, Lizzie MITCHELL, Karin ELI, University of Birmingham and University of Warwick
An introduction to thinking anthropologically about eating disorders
30/11/23 llya GUTIN, University of Texas at Austin
When the measure becomes the metric: making sense of the body mass index in research and practice
16/11/23 Tayla VON ASH, Brown University
Racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities for childhood obesity
9/11/23 Susan GREENHALGH, Harvard University
Soda science: How coke created a global science of exercise for obesity (1995-2015) and why it matters today
2/11/23 Ellen Margrete Iveland ERSFJORD, University of Agder, Norway
Why is there a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity in rural areas? A qualitative study of rural children's perspectives of rural foodways
26/10/23 Anne SAAB, Geneva Graduate Institute
Emotions in international food law
19/10/23 Emily YATES-DOERR, Oregon State University
American mal-nutrition: Interventions into the science and policy of maternal health
8/6/23 Shakira SUGLIA, Emory University ​
Childhood adversity and adiposity: Examining differences by sociocultural context
1/6/23 Bridget HAHM and Sarah BRADLEY, James A. Haley Veterans Hospital, Tampa, Florida
Addressing food insecurity in rural veterans in the United States
25/5/23 Dennis WIEDMANN, Florida International University
Chronicities of modernity theory as an explanation for the global pandemic of obesity and diabetes
18/5/23 Rhea SAKSENA, University of Oxford
A discussion on the critical political economy of ultra-processed foods and obesity
11/5/23 Maddalena BORSATO, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto
Sweetness as an aesthetic relationship
8/3/23 Sabine PARRISH and Tessa POLLARD, City University, London, and Durham University
Lived experience of childhood weight and diet interventions in four London neighbourhoods
2/3/23 Deborah CLEGG, Texas Tech University
15 (+!) ways estrogens influence adipose tissues
23/2/23 Inky GIBBENS, University of Oxford
Eating together alone
16/2/23 Kaspar STAUB, University of Zurich
Maternal and neonatal health in Switzerland during pandemics, 1918/19 vs. 2020/21
9/2/23 Keiko KANNO, University of Oxford
Obesity and dietary behaviours in Mongolia
2/2/23 Wenpeng YOU and Maciej HENNEBERG, University of Adelaide
Female and male obesity across the world differs according to biology and economic status
26/1/23 Cervantee WILD, University of Oxford
Beyond ‘silver bullets’: Childhood obesity intervention in Aotearoa New Zealand
1/12/22 Ian GWILT and Aaron DAVIS, University of South Australia
Co-design practices in diet and nutrition research
17/11/22 Nicole TARULEVICZ, University of Tasmania
On beer, tonics and ice cream as gateways to cold technologies in Singapore
10/11/22 Pallavi LAXMIKANTH, University of Adelaide
Outwitting the temporalities of ‘control’ for Type 2 diabetes in urban India
3/11/22 Garrath WILLIAMS, Lancaster University
Despair and abandonment: Why I gave up writing about our corporate food systems podcast
13/10/22 Sabine PARRISH and Stanley ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Eating through the pandemic?
26/5/2022 ​Tess BIRD, University of Oxford
Uncertainty and resilience
Francesca FORNO, Trento University
From grassroots to platform: The reconfiguration of alternative food provisioning in the online world
Zofia BONI, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Being fat or having obesity: combining social constructivism and biomedical research on childhood obesity
Jeremy BRICE, University of Oxford
Curating good choice: Digital marketplace platforms and the framing of eating
Sarah BERRY, King's College, London
A new era of nutritional research; Insights from the ZOE Covid and PREDICT studies integrating AI, novel technologies, citizen science and remote clinical trials​
Paul GARNER, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
Long covid: how changing my world view led to my recovery​
Shima BARAKAT, University of Cambridge
Food in the digital platform economy - health and safety implications of buying and selling food online
Anna MACREADY, University of Reading
Personalised nutrition and dietary behaviour change in an online study across 7 European countries
Thao DAM, University of Gastronomic Science, Pollenzo
Excess as entertainment: Mukbang and the theatrics of eating for an online audience
Deborah LUPTON, University of New South Wales, Sydney
Food and digital media: a more-than-human approach​
Rachel BRUCE, Cabinet Office for Her Majesty's Government, UK
Anthropology for policy​
Edith FESKENS, Wageningen University
First results of the SWEET EU project: Sweeteners and the incidence of obesity and related health outcomes in 5 European cohort
Lotte HOLM, University of Copenhagen
Change and stability in eating practices: Evidence from four Nordic countries podcast
Ted FISCHER and David NAPIER, Vanderbilt University and University College London
The cultural contexts of health: Global lessons and policy insights from the COVID-19 pandemic podcast
Esther GONZALEZ-PADILLA, University of Lund
Sugarcoated: Sugar tax and media discourses in the context of policymaking
Michael GORAN, University of Southern California
Sugarproof podcast
Marisa WILSON, University of Edinburgh
Sensing Sugaropolis: Geographies of sugar in Greenock, Scotland​ podcast
Amy MORAN-THOMAS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Travelling with sugar​
Paulina NOWICKA and Karin ELI, Uppsala University and University of Warwick
The new normal or back to normal? Parents of children with obesity speak about their experiences across two waves of the pandemic
Tess BIRD and Stanley ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Lockdown food: Podcasting through the pandemic podcast
Giles YEO, University of Cambridge
Lockdown cuisine podcast
Sarah BOURKE, University of Oxford
Cultural determinants of health as a research framework: A case study from Indigenous Australia podcast
John KOMLOS, University of Munich
Post-COVID-19 futures: The need for a paradigm shift in economics podcast
Erik HEMMINGSSON, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, Stockholm
The social origins of childhood obesity podcast​
Carol FERREIRA and Bruno GUALANO, University of Sao Paulo
Connection and conflict: How neoliberal healthism and inequality shape bariatric surgery support forum dynamics
Fiona LAVELLE, Queens University Belfast
From the pandemic to the pan: A cross-continental overview of changes in consumers' cooking and food practices during COVID-19
Michelle PENTECOST, Kings College London
Pre-conception interventions: the future of obesity prevention strategies? podcast
Karen WATSON, Imperial College London
The role of popular culture in creating new norms for wellness podcast
Hannah GRAFF, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Talking sugar in South Africa podcast
Teresa MARES, University of Vermont
Life on the border: farmworkers and food justice in Vermont podcast
Alex BREWIS SLADE, Arizona State University
Lazy, crazy and disgusting. stigma and the undoing of global health podcast
Zoe MELEO-ERWIN, William Paterson University of New Jersey
Connection and conflict: How neoliberal healthism and inequality shape bariatric surgery support forum dynamics podcast
Adam GILBERTSON, University of North Carolina
Voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention in Kenya: Anthropology and ethics in the pursuit of public health
Ben WURGAFT, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cultured meat as a case study in the future of food podcast
Oli Williams, King's College London
Feeling the 'weight' of expectation: The necessity of understanding 'obesity' as a biopsychosocial phenomenon
Rebecca Puhl, University of Connecticut
The damaging impact of weight stigma: Psychosocial stress and harmful health consequences podcast
William Dietz, George Washington University
The syndemic of COVID-19, obesity and food insecurity in the United States slides podcast
Tanja SCHNEIDER, University of St Gallen
Sustainability on stage: FoodTech and the spectacle of innovation podcast
Tess BIRD, Wesleyan University, Connecticut
Visual materiality of corporate science: asbestos, tobacco, pharma, and food
Stanley ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Framing obesity as a problem podcast
Cornelia van DUIJN, University of Oxford
New perspectives on weight and metabolic changes in Alzheimer's disease and dementia
Doreen MONTAG, Queen Mary, University of London
An eco-bio-socio-political approach to anaemia in Peru podcast
Sabine PARRISH, University of Oxford
Coffee, pure and simple: Rejection of milk and sugar by Brazilian podcast
Giles YEO, University of Cambridge
Is obesity a choice? podcast
Aurora PEREZ-CORNAGO, University of Oxford
Height, weight and prostate cancer podcast
James BETTS, University of Bath
Nutrient timing and human health podcast
Aiden DOHERTY, University of Oxford
Can wearable sensors and machine learning enhance our understanding of lifestyle health behaviours? podcast
Jason NAGATA, University of California, San Francisco
Boys, bulk, and body ideals: epidemiology of muscle enhancing and disordered eating behaviours in United States adolescents
Amandine GARDE, University of Liverpool Law School
Rights-based approaches to the regulation of food marketing slides podcast
Whats in the fridge? The everyday materiality of health and well-being podcast
Barny HAUGHTON, Square Food Foundation, Bristol
Materialities of food education; practice, research and policy
Karin ELI, University of Warwick Medical School
Materialities of eating disorders podcast
Zofia BONI, SOAS Food Studies Centre; Department of Anthropology, University of Poznań
The social life of childhood obesity in Poland podcast
Marijana TODORCEVIC, Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism (OCDEM)
Function of fat. What are the determinants and does it matter? podcast
Claire KNELLER, Head of Food, WRAP Global
How do we fix the food waste problem? slides podcast
Alexandra SEXTON, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
Bug burgers, lab meat and plant blood: What implications for food and farming?
Cristiana DUARTE, School of Psychology, University of Leeds
Energy balance behaviours: The role of emotions and emotion regulation podcast
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford
Following the Mayi Kuwayu National Study of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Wellbeing podcast
Cecilia LINDGREN, Professor of Genomic Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Oxford
Genomics of common obesity
Lauren BANDY, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
Assessing the reformulation efforts of soft drink companies in the UK
Per Hogh POULSEN, Department of Occupational Medicine, Herning Hospital, Denmark
Psychosocial inequality, insecurity and overweight/obesity in a Danish Youth Cohort
Gyorgy SCRINIS, University of Melbourne
Ultra-Processed Foods, Big Food and the Corporate Capture of Nutrition podcast
Charlotte ALBURY, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University Of Oxford
Discussing weight management in primary care – insights from conversation analysis of the BWeL trial
Harry RUTTER, Professor of Global Public Health, University of Bath
Chess, not chequers
Rebecca BROWN, University of Oxford
Resisting moralisation in health promotion podcast
Rebecca D HARRIS, independent artist
My fat body: an axis for research podcast
Marie-Louise CRAWLEY, Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University
What remains? Dancing archaeology podcast
Cat PAUSE, Massey University, New Zealand
Not your good fatty: how fat activists disrupt using Web 2.0 podcast
Gabriela MORINI, University of Gastronomic Science, Pollenzo
The taste for health
Sara DE WIT, InSIS, University of Oxford
How climate change as an idea travels to sub-Saharan Africa: The anthropology of forecasting, future-making and humanitarianism
Trish GREENHALGH, University of Oxford
Theorising with narrative: How careful analysis of stories can help us rise above the ontological desert of ‘behaviour change’ research
Alex NADING, Brown University
Ethnography in a grievance: enunciatory communities, law, and environmental justice in Nicaragua’s chronic kidney disease epidemic
Sarah ELTON, Department of Anthropology, Durham University
Macaques at the margins podcast
Catriona BONFIGLIOLI, Media Studies,University of Sydney
Listening to the news audience - what's missing from obesity news? podcast
Paul NORMAN, University of Leeds
Creative Commons.Not social mobility but deprivation mobility: places change their characteristics and people change their places
Anne Katrine KLEBERG HANSEN, The SAXO Institute, University of Copenhagen
Picturing Fatness: Photography and medical typology in the early twentieth century
James STUBBS, School of Psychology, University of Leeds
Multidisciplinary approaches to the challenge of weight loss and maintenance in the general population
Emma RICH, Department for Health, University of Bath
The obesity epidemic and how bodies came to be through the pedagogies of digital health podcast
Mike RAYNER, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford
Nutrient profiling of foods: its role in obesity prevention
Danny DORLING, School of Geography and the Environment, University of Oxford
Inequality, Obesity and Oxford: how to reduce car dependence podcast
Naomi EISENSTADT, Department of Education, University of Oxford
Social Mobility: Can family policy make a difference? podcast
Karin ELI, Osea GIUNTELLA and Stanley ULIJASZEK, Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford; Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh
Associations between social mobility and wellbeing in a UK based sample
Paulina NOWICKA, Department of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Uppsala University
Familial homeostasis and negotiations of children’s eating and physical activity: An analysis of intergenerational conversations in low income US families podcast
Gaston YALONDETZKY, Leeds University Business School
‘The Great Gatsby’ curve in 3D: Inequality of outcomes, inequality of opportunities, and social mobility across countries
Karin ELI and Stanley ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Constructing a new index to measure social mobility and wellbeing
Helen BOULD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
The influence of school on eating disorders in girls – evidence from Sweden and the UK podcast
Rebecca RICHMOND, School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol
Epigenetics: Environment, embodiment and equality podcast
Maurizio MELONI, University of Sheffield
Governing Plastic Biology: Biopolitics in Epigenetic Times podcast
Tenna JENSEN, University of Copenhagen
Frail eaters: Perceptions of body size, health and food among frail home dwelling elderly in Denmark
Marisa MACARI, El Poder del Consumidor
Mexico’s National Strategy to Prevent & Control Obesity & Diabetes: Conflicts, Challenges & Opportunities
Alice CARRINGTON-WINDO, University of Oxford
Maternal Responsibility, ‘Magic Milk’ and Breastfeeding Success: a UK Study
Emily HENDERSON, Durham University
Advancing a model of inequalities, stress, and obesity podcast
Lone GRON, KORA, EPICENTER, Aarhus University
Obesity, kinship, and relatedness: Social contagion as ‘alien af-fection’ in family histories and experiences of obesity
Heather HOWARD, Michigan State University
What’s in a name? “Metabolic surgery,” Curing Diabetes, and the Transformation of Weight Loss Procedures and Patients
Hayley MACGREGOR, Institute of Development Studies
Implementing systems for improving healthcare at the coalface: ‘Innovation to address chronic lifelong conditions’
Phillipe FROGUEL, Imperial College London
Diabetes: The personalised epidemic
Michael GORAN, University of Southern California
Effects of sugar on obesity in children
Noel CAMERON, Loughborough University
Does foetal growth predict infant growth?
Chris FORTH, University of Kansas
The fat(tened) American: Between consumption, disgust, and animality podcast
Karin ELI, University of Oxford
Bulimic distinction
Thomas COUSINS and Michelle PENTECOST, Stellenbosch UniversityUniversity of Oxford
Ecologies of abandonment: epigenetic and microbial imaginaries in post-apartheid Cape Town
Bethan EVANS, University of Liverpool
‘Fat people are killing the polar bears’: Critiquing body-environment relations in anti-obesity discourse, policy, and practice
Morton KRINGELBACH, University of Oxford
Pain and pleasure in the brain
Megan WARIN, University of Adelaide
Enacting fat: material properties and agentive capacities in a disadvantaged Australian suburb
Anna LAVIS, University of Birmingham
Anorexia as self-care: desire stasis and not eating
Emily TROSCIANKO, University of Oxford
How literacy studies can help us understand eating disorders podcast
Anita JANSEN, Maastricht University
A cognitive profile of obesity and its translation into new cognitive-behavioural health care interventions podcast
Osea GIUNTELLA, University of Oxford
Are tacos healthier than burgers? Migration, food diversity, and health gains from variety
Julian SAVULESCU, University of Oxford
Obesity, responsibility and ethics podcast
Darryl STELLMACH, University of Oxford
“The dynamics in the details”: An ethnography of food aid, weights and measures in South Sudan podcast
Sebastiano COLLINO, Nestle Institute of Health Sciences
Healthy ageing, longevity and stratified intervention for the elderly population
Peter SCARBOROUGH, University of Oxford
Evidence of the effectiveness of health-related food taxes podcast
Karen THROSBY, Leeds University
“It’s not fat – it’s bioprene”: Marathon swimming and heroic fatness podcast
Neil DOCHERTY, University College Dublin
Rodent models of obesity: Reductionist approaches to understanding the basis of complex human trait podcast
Rachel COLLS, Durham University
Exploring critical geographies of obesity and fatness: environments, bodies, and activism podcast
Amandine GARDE, Liverpool University
From denial to corporate social responsibility: Rhetoric of the food industry on obesity prevention podcast slides
John COVENEY, Flinders University
The disenchantment of the plate podcast
Geof RAYNER, City University London
What would the British food system look like if it took ecological public health at its heart? podcast
Amy SHARROCKS, Artist, filmmaker, sculptor
Bodies of water podcast
Nadine LEVIN, Exeter University
Microbes matter: Metabolism and chronic disease in contemporary biomedicine podcast
Emily YATES-DOERR, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research
“How many bodies?” The clinic, the kitchen and the context of obesity podcast
Eleanor BRYANT, University of Bradford
The status of disinhibition and its role in predicting behavior slides
Amanda LEWIS, University of Oxford
Brief interventions for weight management in primary care podcast
Marisa WILSON, University of Edinburgh
Comparative political ecologies of food and diet: Systems of provision in Trinidad and Cuba podcast
Emma-Jayne ABBOTS, University of Wales
The intimacies of the celebrity chef industry: Affects, effects and the mediation of eating podcast
Catriona BONFIGLIOLI, University of Technology (Sydney)
Obesity in the news media life cycle: Ethics, responsibility, and stigmatization podcast
Jean-Michel OPPERT, Centre de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine (CRNH)
Obesity and physical activity: From behavior to environment podcast
Harry RUTTER, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Obesity, systems and complexity podcast
Annalijn CONKLIN, CEDAR/ MRC Epidemiology Unit and University of Cambridge
Financial hardship, weight gain & obesity: Rethinking economic determinants podcast slides
Harry RUTTER, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Obesity, systems and complexity podcast
Michéle BELOT, University of Edinburgh
Behavioural economics and eating habits podcast
Tenna JENSEN, University of Copenhagen
Feeding the elderly: A study of political, societal and individual practices regarding food for the elderly in Denmark 1880-2013 podcast
Alexandra BREWIS, Arizona State University
Biocultural perspectives on globalizing fat stigma podcast slides
Grace O’MALLEY, University College Cork
An attempt to act: Practical implementation of best-practice guidelines, policy and innovation in the complex world of childhood obesity
Giovanna NERI, Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital
Status food and state food: Notes on obesity in Cuba podcast
Lucy COOKE, University College London
Children’s eating habits and food preferences: Determinants and consequences podcast
Laurel EDMUNDS, University of Oxford
Treating obesity early in life: The common misunderstanding between parents and healthy providers podcast
Hiranthi JAYAWEERA, University of Oxford
Minority families and barriers to health care podcast
Brit OPPEDAL, National Institute of Public Health (Norway)
Social integration of migrant children: Uncovering factors promoting health development
Angela DAVIS, University of Warwick
Infant feeding at home and in the nursery in post-1945 Britain: An oral history approach podcast
Mariano BEGUERISSE-DIAZ, Imperial College London
Network mathematics in the social sciences: Concepts, applications and perspectives into obesity and public health
Karin ELI & Rosie KAY, University of Oxford
Participant observation in motion: What dancers can teach us about eating disorders
Kelvin CHAN, University of Cambridge
Social marketing and public health with Change4Life podcast
Anna LAVIS and Karin ELI, University of Birmingham and University of Oxford
Super-size v Super skinny
Hannah GRAFF, National Heart Forum
Beyond ‘fat tax’: What is the role and potential of food taxes?
Christel SCHALDMOSE, Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection; European Parliament
Legislating for healthy food in a single European market
Annemarie MOL, University of Amsterdam
Where is the eating body? On situating beyond anatomy?
Megan WARIN, University of Adelaide
Eating NatureCulture: Material feminism and maternal obesity podcast
Jennifer BAKER, Imperial College
Childhood obesity: What are its future health and social consequences? podcast
Karin ELI, University of Oxford
Liminal living: Eating disordered embodiment and the reconfiguring of social being podcast
Rebecca WHITE, University of Sussex
Resilience building in trajectories towards sustainability: An examination of communal growing in the UK podcast
Udi BUTLER, University of Bristol
Visual political economies and the favelas of Rio de Janeiro podcast
Paulina NOWICKA, Karolinska Institutet
Parents as gatekeepers: Introduction to family therapy in obesity treatment podcast
Tanja SCHNEIDER, University of Oxford
The Market(ing) of self-care: Functional foods in Australia
Adam GILBERTSON, University of Oxford
Insecurity and food insecurity: Findings from an informal settlement in Mombasa, Kenya
Marisa MACARI, University of Oxford
Nutritional trajectories in migration: A case study of Mexicans in NYC
Melanie WENGER, University of Oxford
Narratives from eating management programs in the US
Annamaria CARUSI, University of Oxford
Modeling, simulation, and visualization in computational science: Perspectives on embodiment
Rosie KAY, Rosie Kay Dance Company
5 Soldiers – The body is the frontline: Embodying soldier’s physicality through research and training podcast slides
Igho ONAKPOYA, University of Oxford
Herbal supplements for body weight reduction: A critical review
Abdulrahman EL-SAYED, University of Oxford
Systems science and inequalities in obesity in England: Findings from an agent-based model podcast
Anna LAVIS, Goldsmiths
Dialectical engagements: Exploring relationships between pro-anorexia and the clinic
Tenna JENSEN, University of Copenhagen
Two perspectives on the longitudinal trends in food consumption: The case of Denmark 1900-2000 podcast
Caroline POTTER, University of Oxford
Predictable obesity? An ecological approach for identifying future health risk podcast
Paul KELLY & Aiden DOHERTY, University of Oxford
Digital image capture in public health surveillance for physical activity and food behavior assessment podcast
Michael GORAN, University of Southern California
Fizzyology: Genetics, metabolic effects, health outcomes, and the politics of high sugar consumption in children podcast
Karin ELI, University of Oxford
The phenomenology of binge eating in anorexia and bulimia podcast
Geof RAYNER, City University
Population weight gain as the outcome of dietary, energy, and cultural transition: An ecological public health perspective
Cressida MARCUS, University of Oxford
Affective hunger: Bread and famine in Ethiopian Orthodox Christian spirituality podcast
Sanna NORDIN, Laban Contemporary Dance
Looking skinny, feeling fit – or fat? Exploring attitudes to bodies and eating in dance
Kerry O’BRIEN, University of Manchester
Why do we dislike obese people? podcast
The Danish National Health Interview Surveys slides
Peter WHYBROW, University of California, Los Angeles
The dilemmas of affluence: Lessons from the great American experiment podcast slides
Aravinda GUNTUPALLI, University of Southampton
Inquiry into the simultaneous existence of malnutrition and overweight in India using quantile regression podcast
Emma REDDING, Laban Contemporary Dance
The physiology of the dancer podcast
Melanie WENGER, University of Oxford
Ethnography of eating management programs
Daniel SCHWEKENDIEK, University of Oxford
Obesity Korea: Indications and implications podcast
Nikola KOEPKE, University of Oxford
Insights into the development of wellbeing in the very long run: Nutritional status in pre-historic and historic Europe
Thorkild SØRENSEN, Copenhagen University Hospital
Register-based research opportunities in Denmark podcast
Rebecca HARDY, MRC Unit for Lifelong Health and Ageing
Obesity in the 1946 British birth cohort
Annie CATTRELL, De Montford University
Nicholas TIMPSON, University of Bristol
Genetics of obesity, and the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children podcast slides
Steven ALLENDER, University of Oxford
Policy interventions to prevent childhood obesity
Harry RUTTER, National Obesity Observatory, UK
Looking at the obesity system
Deborah OXLEY, University of Oxford
BMI for historians: measuring health and gender inequality in historical populations
Stanley ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Networks and obesity podcast
Paul SACHER, University College London
Addressing childhood obesity using a family and community based approach: The MEND programmes podcast
Maciej HENNEBERG, University of Adelaide
Alanine transaminase is a better marker than socio-cultural factors for body mass increase in healthy males: A study of 46,000 Swiss conscripts podcast
Julianne KISSACK, University of Oxford
Health promotion: behavior change as related to obesity
Jimmy BELL, Imperial College London
The beauty of body fat
Rosemary KYLE, Sandwell Primary Care Trust
Food and obesity: Are we in danger of becoming all style and no substance?
Thorkild SØRENSEN, Copenhagen University Hospital
Historical analysis of the development of the obesity epidemic slides
Andrew BREWSTER, National Obesity Forum
Cut the waist and the BAROMETER: Answers that matter
Gary WHITLOCK, University of Oxford
Obesity and the risk of death from particular causes: 20,000 deaths during follow-up of 1 million adults
Neil MANN, RMIT University Australia
Paleolithic nutrition: What can we learn from the past? slides
Megan WARIN, University of Durham
The traffic in ‘nature’: Maternal bodies and obesity paper
Adam DREWNOWSKI, University of Washington
Do healthier diets cost more
Maciej HENNEBERG, University of Adelaide, and Stanley J ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Body frame dimensions can predict obesity: Body mass index, body frame and fatness slides
Simon MARTIN, University of Salford
Clogged cities: Sclerotic infrastructure slides
Shirlene BADGER, University of Cambridge
Extreme examples: Children in obesity research slides
Sławomir KOZIEL, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocław, Poland
Stability of development of overweight and obesity in boys and girls between 8 to 18 years of age. The Wrocław Growth Study
David McCARTHY, London Metropolitan University
General obesity or abdominal obesity – what should we be focusing on in children? slides
George DAVEY SMITH, University of Bristol
Understanding determinants of phenotypic variation: A gloomy prospect? podcast slides
Philip JAMES, International Obesity Task Force
International initiatives in obesity prevention podcast slides
Karen THROSBY, University of Warwick
Surgical solutions? Obesity surgery and the ‘war on obesity’? slides
Kirsten RENNIE, Unilever Corporate Research
The role of epidemiology in obesity prevention: Advantages and limitations
James STUBBS, Slimming World and Diogenes Project
Weight loss and weight maintenance in Western consumers: Current predicaments and future solutions
Ana CARDEN-COYNE, University of Manchester
Fat boobs and frumpy Victorians: Gendered bodies, modern fitness and mass culture
Susan JEBB, University of Cambridge
Tackling obesities: Future choices slides
Nicholas HARRIGAN & Tom SNIJDERS, University of Oxford
Social network analysis and its potential application for obesity research
Mike RAYNER & Stanley ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Explanations for why people get fat: An integral approach slides
Amanda BERLAN, University of Oxford
Why do calories in not equal calories out? An anthropological study of child obesity in the UK
Avner OFFER, University of Oxford
Obesity: Perspectives from economics
Janina TUTKOVIENE, Vilnius University, Lithuania
BMI and prevalence of obesity in Lithuanian adolescents and youngs adults, 1980-2005 slides
Devi SRIDHAR, University of Oxford
The Maharaja Mac: Biologised globalization in India
Klim McPHERSON, University of Oxford
Modeling obesity change in England – and consequences
John KOMLOS, University of Munich
From opulence to corpulence slides
Elizabeth SPENCER, University of Oxford slides
Stanley ULIJASZEK, University of Oxford
Models of population obesity