ARTICLES Of Interest
McLennan AM, Kleberg Hansen AK, Ulijaszek SJ. (2020). Health and medicine cannot solve COVID-19. Lancet.
Giuliani C, Franceschi C, Luiselli D, Garagnani P, Ulijaszek SJ. (2020). Ecological sensing through taste and chemosensation mediates inflammation: A biological anthropological approach. Advances in Nutrition, nmaa078.
Belot M, Choi S, Jamison JC, Papageorge NW, Tripodi E, van den Broek-Altenburg E. (2020). Six-Country Survey on COVID-19.
IZA Institute for Labor Economics Discussion Paper 13230. Bonn: IZA - Institute for Labor Economics.
Alwan NA, Bhopal R, Burgess RA, Colburn T, Cuevas LE, Smith GD, Egger M, Eldridge S, Gallo V, Gilthorpe MS, Greenhalgh T, Griffiths C, Hunter PR, Jaffar S, Jepson R, Low N, Martineau A, McCoy D, Orcutt M, Pankhania B, Pikhart H, Pollock A, Scally G, Smith J, Sridhar D,
Taylor S, Tennant PWG, Themistocleous Y, Wilson A, (2020). Evidence informing the UK's COVID-19 public health response must be transparent. Lancet 395:1036-1037.
DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(20)30667-x.
Brenninkmeijer J, Schneider T, Woolgar S. (2020) Witness and Silence in Neuromarketing: Managing the Gap between Science and Its Application. Science, Technology, and Human Values 45: 62-86.
Frühbeck G,· Baker JL, Busetto L,· Dicker D, · Goossens GH, · Halford JCG, · Handjieva-Darlenska T,· Hassapidou M, · Holm JC, · Lehtinen-Jacks S, · Mullerova D, · O’Malley G,· Sagen JV,· Rutter H, · Salas X, · Woodward E,· Yumuk V. · Farpour-Lambert NJ. (2020). European Association for the Study of Obesity Position Statement on the Global COVID-19 Pandemic. Obesity Facts 13:292–296
Papageorge NW, Zahn MV, Belot M, van den Broek-Altenburg E, Choi S, Jamison JC, Tripodi E. (2020). Socio-Demographic Factors Associated with Self-Protecting Behavior during the COVID-19 Pandemic. IZA Institute for Labor Economics Discussion Paper 1333. Bonn: IZA - Institute for Labor Economics.
den Braver NR, Kok JG, Mackenbach JD, Rutter H, Oppert J-M, Compernolle S, Twisk JWR, Brug J, Beulens JWJ, Lakerveld J (2020).
Neighbourhood drivability: environmental and individual characteristics associated with car use across Europe.
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 17 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-019-0906-2
Rich E, Monaghan LF, Bombak AE (2020). A discourse analysis of school girls engagement with fat pedagogy and critical health education: rethinking the childhood ‘obesity scandal’. Sport, Education and Society 25 https://doi.org/10.1080/13573322.2019.1566121
Springmann M, Spajic L, Clark MA, Poore J, Herforth A, Webb P, Rayner M, Scarborough P. (2020). The healthiness and sustainability of national and global food based dietary guidelines: modelling study. British Medical Journal 370 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.m2322
Peto J, Carpenter J, Davey Smith G, Duffy S, Houlston R, Hunter DJ, McPherson K, Pearce N, Romer P, Sasieni, Turnbull C. (2020).
Weekly COVID-19 testing with household quarantine and contact tracing is feasible and would probably end the epidemic. Royal Society Open Science
Ulijaszek SJ. (2020). Productive simplification in the use of anthropometric nutritional status. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 74: 359–61.
Warin M, Moore V. (2020) Epistemic conflicts and Achilles’ heels: constraints of a university and public sector partnership to research obesity in Australia. Critical Public Health DOI: 10.1080/09581596.2020.1761944
Ulijaszek S. (2020). Expert systems, COVID-19, obesity and the ‘new normal’. Unit for BioCultural Variation and Obesity Evidence Brief.
Oxford: Unit for BioCultural Variation and Obesity. Download
Bellow B, Cavill N, Allender S, Copeland R, Shearn K. (2020). Strategic principles and capacity building for a whole-of-systems approaches to physical activity. In: B Bellew, T Nau, B Smith, A Bauman (eds.) Getting Australia Active III. A systems approach to physical activity for policy makers. The Australian Prevention Partnership Centre and The University of Sydney..
Komlos J. (2020). The Actual U.S. Unemployment Rate Was 24.4% in May 2020. CESifo Working Paper No. 8383. Munich:
Ludwigs-Maximilians University’s Center for Economic Studies and IFO Institute.
Williams ET, Nabavi E, Bell G, Bentley CM, Daniell KA, Derwort N, Hatfield-Dodds Z, Leins K, McLennan AK. (2020). Begin with the human: Designing for safety and trustworthiness in cyber-physical systems. In Human-Machine Shared Contexts, ed. WF Lawless, R Mittu and DA Sofge, pp. 341-57. Cambridge Massachusetts: Academic Press.
Ek A, Nordin K, Nystrom CD, Sandvik P, Eli K, Nowicka P. (2020). Responding positively to “children who like to eat”: Parents’ experiences of skills-based treatment for childhood obesity. Appetite
Pentecost M, Meloni M. (2020). “It's never too early”: preconception care and postgenomic models of life. Frontiers in Sociology
McLennan A. (2020) The rise of nutritionism and decline of nutritional health in Nauru, Food, Culture and Society 23: 249-66.
DOI: 10.1080/15528014.2020.1713430
Loh NY, Minchin JEN, Pinnick KE, Verma M, Todorcevic M, Denton N, Moustafa JS, Kemp JP, Gregson CL, Evans DM, Neville MJ, Small KS, McCarthy MI, Mahajan A, Rawis JF, Karpe F, Christodoulides (2020), RSPO3 impacts body fat distribution and regulates adipose cell biology in vitro. Nature Communications 11, 2797.
Somaraki M, Eli K, Sorjonen K, Ek A, Sandvik P. (2020). Changes in parental feeding practices and preschoolers' food habits following a randomized controlled childhood obesity trial. Appetite
Nobles J, Thomas C, Banks Gross Z, Hamilton M, Trinder-Widdess Z, Speed C, Gibson A, Davies R, Farr, M Jago R, Foster C, Redwood S. (2020). "Let’s talk about physical activity”: understanding the preferences of under-served communities when messaging physical activity guidelines to the public. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17: 2782.
Thornton PL, Kumanyika SK, Gregg EW, Araneta MR, Baskin ML, Chin MH, Crespo CJ, de Groot M, Garcia DO, Haire‐Joshu D, Heisler M, Hill‐Briggs F, Ladapo JA, Lindberg NM, Manson SM, Marrero DG, Peek ME, Shields AE, Tate DF, Mangione CM. (2020). New research directions on disparities in obesity and type 2 diabetes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1461: 5-24.
Kwint M. (2020). Mnemosyne in purple. Viron Erol Vert. In Family Matters, ed. K Kramer & D Yazici. Berlin: Distanz Verlag.
Green CJ, Pramfalk C, Charlton CA, Gunn PJ, Cornfield T, Pavlides M (2020). Hepatic de novo lipogenesis is suppressed and fat oxidation is increased by omega-3 fatty acids at the expense of glucose metabolism. BMJ Open Diabetes Research and Care
Burnett D, Carney MA,Carruth L, Chard S, Dickinson M, Gálvez A, Garth H, Hardin J, Hite A, Howard H, Manderson L, Mendenhall Saldaña-Tejeda AE, Simmons D, Valdez N, Vasquez E, Warin M, Yates-Doerr E. (2020). Anthropologists Respond to The Lancet EAT Commission. Bionatura 5: 1023. Download
Gomula A, Nowak-Szczepanska N, Suder A, Ignasiak Z, Koziel S. (2020). Secular trends in adiposity within the context of changes in BMI across developmental periods among Polish schoolchildren—application of the Slaughter equation. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Schneider T, Eli K, McLennan AM, Dolan C, Lezaun J, Ulijaszek SJ. (2019). Governance by campaign: The co-constitution of food issues, publics and expertise through new information and communication technologies. Information, Communication and Society 22: 172-92. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2017.1363264
Jensen TE, Kleberg Hansen AK, Ulijaszek SJ, Munk AK, Madsen AK, Hillersdal L, Jespersen AP. (2019). Identifying notions of environment in obesity research using a mixed‐methods approach. Obesity Reviews 20: 621-30.
Farrell LC, Moore V, Warin M, Street J. (2019). Why do the public support or oppose obesity prevention regulations?: Results from a South Australian population survey. Health Promotion Jounral of Australia 30: 47-59.
A Wilson M, McLennan A. (2019). A comparative ethnography of nutrition interventions: structural violence and the industrialisation of agrifood systems in the Caribbean and the Pacific. Social Science and Medicine 228: 172-80.
Bird T. (2019). The creativity of everyday uncertainty. Journal of Organizational Ethnography
Ek A, Chamberlain KL, Sorjonen K, Hammar U, Malek ME, Sandvik P, Somaraki M, Nyman J, Lindberg L, Nordin K, Ejderhamn J, Fisher PA, Chamberlain P, Marcus C, Nowicka P. (2019). A parent treatment program for preschoolers with obesity: a randomized controlled trial. Pediatrics 144 e20183457.
Rich E. (2019). Making gender and motherhood through pedagogies of digital health and fitness consumption: ‘soon it made us more active as a family’. In: Parry D., Johnson C., Fullagar S. (eds) Digital Dilemmas, pp. 205-23. Palgrave Macmillan.
Murray A, Foster C, Stamatakis E. (2019). Let’s share, help deliver and sustain the WHO global action plan on physical activity. British Journal of Sports Medicine 53: 794-6.
Pentecost M, Ross F. (2019). The first thousand days: motherhood, scientific knowledge, and local histories. Medical Anthropology
Tichenor M, Sridhar D. (2019). Metric partnerships: global burden of disease estimates within the World Bank, the World Health Organisation and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. Wellcome Open Research 4: 35.
Neuman N, Eli K, Nowicka P. (2019). Feeding the extended family: gender, generation, and socioeconomic disadvantage in food provision to children. Food, Cuture and Society 22: 45-62.
M, Knai C, Thomas J, Rehfuess EA, Noyes J, Gerhardus A, Grimshaw JM, Rutter H, McGill E. (2019). Implications of a complexity perspective for systematic reviews and guideline development in health decision making. BMJ Global Health 4: e000899.
Bombak A, Monaghan LF, Rich E. (2019). Dietary approaches to weight-loss, Health At Every Size® and beyond: rethinking the war on obesity. Social Theory and Health 17: 89-108.
Bandy L, Adhikari V, Jebb S, Rayner M. (2019). The use of commercial food purchase data for public health nutrition research: A systematic review. PLOS One
Spiteri J, James J, Belot M. (2019). A computer-based incentivized food basket choice tool: presentation and evaluation. PLOS One
Chanak M, Bose K. (2019). Central obesity and hypertension among rural adults of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India. Anthropological Review 82: 3.
Pentecost M. (2018). The first thousand days: epigenetics in the age of global health. In: Meloni M., Cromby J., Fitzgerald D., Lloyd S. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Biology and Society. Palgrave Macmillan, London.
Chanak M, Bose K. (2018). Sexual dimorphism in central obesity among rural adults of Ghatal Block, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India. Human Biology Review 7: 183-204.
Ulijaszek SJ. (2018). Physical activity and the human body in the (increasingly smart) built environment
Obesity Reviews 19 (Supplement 1): 84-93.
Komlos J. (2018). The economic roots of the rise of Trumpism. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6868.
Zivkovic T, Warin M, Moore V, Ward P. (2018). Fat as productive: enactments of fat in an Australian suburb. Medical Anthropology 37: 373-86.
Boni Z. (2018). It's safe: food as a way of expression for children in Warsaw, Children's Geographies, 16:4, 393-404.
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Mazur A, Caroli M, Radziewicz-Winnicki I, Nowicka P, Weghuber D, Neubauer D, Dembienski L, Crawley F, White M, Hadjipanayis A. (2018). Reviewing and addressing the link between mass media and the increase in obesity among European children: The European Academy of Paediatrics (EAP) and The European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) consensus statement. Acta Paediatrica 107: 568-576.
McLennan AK, Shimonovich M, Ulijaszek SJ, Wilson M. (2018). The problem with relying on dietary surveys: sociocultural correctives to theories of dietary change in the Pacific islands. Annals of Human Biology 45: 272-84.
Watson F, Taylor A, Rayner M, Lobstein T, Hinks R. (2018). Priority actions for addressing the obesity epidemic in England. Public Health Nutrition 21: 1002-10.
Belot M, Berlin N, James J, Skafida V. (2018). The formation and malleability of dietary habits: a field experiment with low income families. I Z A Institute of Labor Economics Discussion Paper series IZA DP #11317.
Smith E, Scarborough P, Rayner M, Briggs ADM (2018). Should we tax unhealthy food and drink? Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 77: 314-20.
Piché M-E; Vasan SK; Hodson L; Karpe F. (2018). Relevance of human fat distribution on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism and cardiovascular disease risk. Current Opinion in Lipidology. 29(4): 285–292.
Key TJ, Balkwill A, Bradbury KE, Reeves GK, Kuan AS, Simpson RF, Green J, Beral V. (2018). Foods, macronutrients and breast cancer risk in postmenopausal women: a large UK cohort. International Journal of Epidemiology2018, 1-12. Doi: 10:1093/ije/dyy238
Karpe F, Vasan SK, Humphreys SM, Miller J, Cheeseman J, Dennis AL, Neville MJ (2018). Cohort profile: The Oxford Biobank. International Journal of Epidemiology 21–21g. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyx132
Ulijaszek SJ, Pentecost M, Marcus C, Karpe F, Frühbeck G, Nowicka P. (2017). Inequality and childhood overweight and obesity: a commentary. Pediatric Obesity12: 195-202.
Bradbury KE, Guo W, Cairns BJ, Armstrong MEG, Key TJ. (2017). Association between physical activity and body fat percentage, with adjustment for BMI: a large cross-sectional analysis of UK Biobank. BMJ Open2017: 7:e011843. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011843
Pentecost M, Cousins T. (2017). Strata of the political: epigenetic and microbial imaginaries in post‐apartheid Cape Town. Antipode 49: 1368-84.
Vallgarda S, Nielsen MEJ, Hansen AKK, Cathaoir KO, Hartlev M, Holm L, Christensen BJ, Jensen JD, Sorensen TIA, Sandoe P. (2017). Should Europe follow the US and declare obesity a disease?: a discussion of the so-called utilitarian argument. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 71: 1263–7.
Warin M, Zivkovic T, Moore V, Ward P. (2017). Moral fiber: breakfast as a symbol of ‘a good start’ in an Australian obesity intervention.
Medical Anthropology 36: 217-30.
Offer A. (2017). The market turn: from social democracy to market liberalism. The Economic History Review 70: 1051-71.
Leng G, Adan RAH, Belot M, Brunstrom JM, de Graaf K, Dickson SL, Hare T, Maier S, Menzies J, Preissl H, Reisch LA, Rogers PJ, Smeets PAM (2017). The determinants of food choice. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 76: 316-27
Kaur A, Scarborough P, Rayner M. (2017). A systematic review, and meta-analyses, of the impact of health-related claims on dietary choices. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 14:93. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-017-0548-1
Nash M, Warin M. (2017). Squeezed between identity politics and intersectionality: A critique of ‘thin privilege’ in Fat Studies. Feminist Theory 18: 69-87.
Komlos J, Carson S. (2017). The BMI values of the lower classes likely declined during the Great Depression. Economics and Human Biology 26: 137-43.
Warin M, Moore V, Davies M, Ulijaszek S. (2016). Epigenetics and obesity: the reproduction of habitus through intracellular and social environments. Body and Society 22: 53-78.
Eli K, Sorjonen K, Mokoena L, Pietrobelli A, Flodmark C-E, Faith MS, Nowicka P. (2016). Associations between maternal sense of coherence and controlling feeding practices: The importance of resilience and support in families of preschoolers. Appetite 105: 134-43.
Ulijaszek SJ, McLennan MK. (2016). Framing obesity in UK policy from the Blair years, 1997–2015: the persistence of individualistic approaches despite overwhelming evidence of societal and economic factors, and
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Karpe F, Lindgren CM (2016). Obesity - on or off? New England Journal of Medicine374:1486-1488. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcibr1601693
Eli K, Dolan C, Schneider T, Ulijaszek S. (2016). Mobile activism, material imaginings, and the ethics of the edible: Framing political engagement through the Buycott app. Geoforum 74, 63-73.
Eli K, Howell K, Fisher PA, Nowicka P. (2016). A question of balance: Explaining differences between parental and grandparental perspectives on preschoolers’ feeding and physical activity. Social Science and Medicine154(2016): 28e35.
Adams EJ, Bull FC, Foster CE. (2016). Are perceptions of the environment in the workplace ‘neighbourhood’ associated with commuter walking? Journal of Transport and Health 3: 479-84.
Smed S, Scarborough P, Rayner M, Jensen JD (2016). The effects of the Danish saturated fat tax on food and nutrient intake and modelled health outcomes: an econometric and comparative risk assessment evaluation. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 70: 681-6.
Lindberg L, Ek A, Nyman J, Marcus C, Ulijaszek S, Nowicka P. (2016). Low grandparental social support combined with low parental socioeconomic status is closely associated with obesity in preschool‐aged children: a pilot study. Pediatric Obesity 11: 313-6.
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Eli K, Kay R. (2015). Choreographing lived experience: dance, feelings and the storytelling body. Medical Humanities
Warin M. (2015). Material feminism, obesity science and the limits of discursive critique. Body and Society 21: 41-76.
McLennan A, Ulijaszek S. (2015). Obesity emergence in the Pacific islands: why understanding colonial history and social change is important. Public Health Nutrition 18 (Supplement 8): 1499-1505.
Mondal N, Basumatary B, Kropi J, Bose K. (2015). Prevalence of double burden of malnutrition among urban school going Bodo children aged 5-11 years of Assam, Northeast India. Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health 12(4):e11491-1.
Alagiyawanna A, Townsend N, Mytton O, Scarborough P, Roberts N, Rayner M. (2015). Studying the consumption and health outcomes of fiscal interventions (taxes and subsidies) on food and beverages in countries of different income classifications; a systematic review.
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Edward Gregg (2015). Obesity, diabetes, and the moving targets of healthy-years estimation. Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 3: 93-4.
Rich E, de Pian L, Francombe-Webb J. (2015). Physical cultures of stigmatisation: Health policy and social class. Sociological Research Online 20 (2), 10.
Gostina LO, Sridhar D, Hougendobler D. (2015). The normative authority of the World Health Organization. Public Health 129: 854-93.
Lobstein T, Jackson-Leach R, Moodie ML, Hall KD, Gortmaker SL, Swinburn BA, James WPT, Wang, McPherson K. (2015). Child and adolescent obesity: part of a bigger picture. Lancet 385: 2510-20.
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Eli K, Howell K, Fisher PA, Nowicka P. (2014). ‘‘Those comments last forever’’: Parents and grandparents of preschoolers recount how they became aware of their own body weights as children. PLoS ONE9(11): e111974.
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Williams J, Scarborough P, Matthews A, Cowburn G, Foster C, Roberts N, Rayner M (2014). A systematic review of the influence of the retail food environment around schools on obesity-related outcomes. Obesity Reviews 15: 359-74.
Rich E, Miah A. (2014). Understanding digital health as public pedagogy: a critical framework. Societies 4: 296-315.
Ulijaszek S. (2014). Do adult obesity rates in England vary by insecurity as well as inequality: an ecological cross sectional study
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Sridhar D, Gostin L. (2014). World Health Organization: past, present and future. Public Health 128: 117-18
McPherson K (2014). Reducing the global prevalence of overweight and obesity. Lancet 384: 728-30.
Kelly P, Kahlmeier S, Gotschi T, Orsini N, Richards J, Roberts N, Scarborough P, Foster C. (2014). Systematic review and meta-analysis of reduction in all-cause mortality from walking and cycling and shape of dose response relationship. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 11: 132.
Grantham JP, Henneberg M. (2014) The estrogen hypothesis of obesity. PLoS ONE 9(6): e99776. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099776.
Goran MI, Ulijaszek SJ, Ventura EE. (2013). High fructose corn syrup and diabetes prevalence: A global perspective.Global Public Health8: 55-64.
Doherty AR, Hodges Se, King AC, Smeaton AF, Berry E, Moulin CJA, Lindley S, Kelly P, Foster C. (2013). Wearable cameras in health. The state of the art and future possibilities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 44: 320-3.
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Potter CM, Ulijaszek SJ. (2013). Predicting adult obesity from measures in earlier life. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 67:1032-1037.
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Wijnhoven TMA, van Raaij JMA, Spinelli A, Rito AI, Hovengen R, Kunesova M, Starc G, Rutter H, Sjoberg A, Petrauskiene A, O'Dwyer U, Petrova A, Farrugia Sant'Angelo V, Wauters M, Yngve A, Rubana I-M, Breda J. (2013). WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative 2008: weight, height and body mass index in 6-9-year-old children. Pediatric Obesity 8: 79-97.
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Swinburn B, Sacks G, Hall KD, McPherson K, Finegood DT, Moodie ML, Gortmaker SL (2011). The global obesity pandemic: shaped by global drivers and local environments. Lancet 378: 804-14.
Warin M. (2011). Foucault’s progeny: Jamie Oliver and the art of governing obesity. Social Theory and Health 9: 24-40.
Offer A, Pechey R, Ulijaszek SJ. (2010) Obesity under affluence varies by welfare regimes: the effect of fast food, insecurity, and inequality Economics and Human Biology 8(3): 297-308.
Komlos J, Brabec M. (2010). The trend of BMI values of US adults by deciles, birth cohorts 1882–1986 stratified by gender and ethnicity. Economics and Human Biology, 9: 234-50.
Finegood D, Merth TDN, Rutter H. (2010). Implications of the Foresight Obesity System Map for solutions to childhood obesity. Obesity 18, S1: S13–S16.
Zivkovic T, Warin M, Davies M, Moore V. (2010). In the name of the child. The gendered politics of childhood obesity. Journal of Sociology 46:375-92.
Rich E. (2010). Obesity assemblages and surveillance in schools. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 23: 803-21.
Schneider T, Davis T. (2010). Advertising food in Australia: Between antinomies and gastro-anomy. Consumption Markets and Culture 13: 31-41.
Daniels I. (2009) The Commercial and Domestic Rhythms of Japanese Consumption. In E Shove, F Trentmann & R Wilk (eds.) Time, Consumption and Everyday Life: New agendas and directions, pp.262-294. Oxford: Berg.
Sacks G, Rayner M, Swinburn B. (2009). Impact of front-of-pack ‘traffic-light’ nutrition labelling on consumer food purchases in the UK.
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Horrell S, Meredith D, Oxley D. (2009). Measuring misery: body mass, ageing and gender inequality in Victorian London. Explorations in Economic History 46: 93-119.
Komlos J, Breitfelder A, Sunder M. (2009). The transition to post-industrial BMI values among US children. American Journal of Human Biology 21: 151-160.
Lee K, Sridhar D, Patel M. (2009). Bridging the divide: global governance of trade and health. Lancet 373: 416-22.
Spittaels H, Foster C, Oppert J-M, Rutter H, Oja P, Sjostrom M, Bourdeaudhuij (2009). Assessment of environmental correlates of physical activity: development of a European questionnaire. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 6: 39.
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