A collaboration between the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography and the Nuffield Department of Population Health at the University of Oxford
This project examines how the material culture of the home environment shapes the development and experience of eating disorders and obesity. While it is widely recognized that a person’s material home environment can increase or reduce the risk of disordered eating, public health campaigns for the prevention of obesity and eating disorders continue to focus on individual behaviour change. This approach risks dislocating lived experiences of obesity and eating disorders from environmental, relational, and structural dynamics - dynamics that anthropologists, psychologists, and other social scientists have shown play a central role in eating and feeding practices. Considering the widely-documented limited effect of public health campaigns focused on behaviour change, alongside the continuing increase in rates of obesity and disordered eating, urgent attention should be turned to contextualizing eating and feeding behaviours within home environments. The project responds to a policy-relevant need for understanding how everyday material culture can influence people’s eating and feeding practices.
Wellcome Institutional Strategic Support Fund
UBVO Workshop
Materialities of Obesity and Eating Disorders:
New Directions for Policy?
Monday, March 30
Caroline Potter & Stanley Ulijaszek
University of Oxford
Materialities of obesity and eating disorders – an introduction
Anna Lavis & Karin Eli
University of Birmingham & University of Oxford
Materialities of eating
Karin Eli & Sabine Parrish
University of Oxford
Qualitative analyses of materialities of disordered eating and obesity
Open discussion: policy directions and funding futures
Participants from Sweden, Denmark, United States and United Kingdom
Workshop reception (virtual)
Stanley Ulijaszek (University of Oxford)
Caroline Potter (University of Oxford)
Karin Eli (Warwick University)
Anna Lavis (University of Birmingham)
Sabine Parrish (University of Oxford)
Related UBVO podcasts
Anna Lavis - Anorexia, care and comfort
Karin Eli - Liminal living: eating disordered embodiment and the reconfiguring of social eating
Stanley Ulijaszek - Obesity and consumption
Chris Forth - The fat(tened) American: between consumption, disgust and animality
Heather Howard - Bariatric surgery's intersubjective embodiments
Emma Rich - The obesity epidemic and how bodies come to be through the pedagogies of digital health
Rebecca D Harris - My fat body: an axis for research
Rachel Colls - Exploring critical geographies of obesity and fatness: environments, bodies and activism
Emily Troscianko - How literary studies can help us understand eating disorders
Ryan Foley - Marketing conscious consumption